Louis Vuitton Bag: How To Determine A Counterfeit Louis Vuitton Bag-Dscount Handbags

You have various ways through which you can determine whether you are purchasing an authentic Louis Vuitton bag or its replica. Perhaps you really want to buy this brand s product from an online auction; be careful to find out detailed information about the auction seller especially if the seller is not authorized by Louis Vuitton. If you carry out a thorough and critical research, you will not be swindled of your money.

You can get genuine LV bags and other items by buying directly from Louis Vuitton stores or alternatively through the authorized dealer eLUXUry.com. One of the ways to spot a counterfeit LV bag is by spotting the supposedly LV bag that is accompanied with an obvious cheap tag. It is important that you know the system of tagging as practiced by Louis Vuitton. This state-of-the-art brand is not associated with bag tagging that is done with single strand of string having a circular piece of plastic labeled in brown Louis Vuitton. Also, LV never tags their products with a cut out portion of the logo.

You can use your sense of smell to dictate the authenticity of Louis Vuitton bag. You can spot the unique leather sapper of the product by smelling it; however, it is only savvy users of the product that can apply the sense of smell in spotting how genuine the product is. You should also be careful to observe the inner cloth fabric used on an LV bag that you want to purchase; they are fashioned with wide grain and noticeable veins. The fake LV bags would not show an apparent vein.

LV bags reflects the coming together of superb workmanship and excellent detailing; it is characterized with perfect cut, locks, stamped logos, serial numbers and date codes. These and other distinguishing features are the major sources of the great reputation, admiration and popularity of the Louis Vuitton product worldwide. If you pay attention to details, you will certainly return to your home with an authentic Louis Vuitton handbag or other products from LV.

Note this also; a good number of dust bags have just the typical Louis Vuitton or LV logo and are also not fashioned with cheap material. Most of them are also not characterized with rounded edges. Just be on the watch out; if the bag does not have a close resemblance both in appearance and quality of LV product, that is a strong indication that the product is likely to be counterfeit.

Based on the collection involved, Louis Vuitton bag employs wide range of textiles in lining their bags; this includes fine micro monogram textile, canvas lining in honey or red, tone polyester or tone, cross-grain leather or microfiber suede. Counterfeiters would normally not concern themselves with the interior; they use cheap tan or brown or even plastic to lay the interior.

You can indeed spot the differences between a genuine Louis Vuitton bag and a mere replica. However, you really need to exercise much care since the co-artists are becoming more professional with their counterfeiting.

Louis Vuitton Bag: How To Determine A Counterfeit Louis Vuitton Bag

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