Choosing A Handbag That Compliments Your Body-Discount Handbags
A lot is being written these days about choosing handbag according to the figure. If you have read these articles, you might wonder what kind of handbags can go with your body shape. There might be some who wonder whether they will have to abandon their handbags if they put on a little weight or if they shed a few kilos. But before you make your decision you should know that the choice of your bag should be according to the body-type you have and not according to how your figure is.
You can be an extremely thin person and even if you put on lot of weight, it is likely that you will still be in the slim category. And if you are a bust or bottom heavy person, chances are that even after reducing, you will still be heavier in those areas. A tall person will remain tall and short person will remain short. This is what is meant by looking at body 'type'. This means that you should look at the frame of your body, plus or minus a few kilos, when you select a handbag.
Women often give a lot of importance to their apparel - they concentrate on the cut, the design and the length to find a style that best suits their form. If you give the same value to selecting the correct handbag, you will be doing wonders to your over-all appearance. A simple rule of contrasts should always be borne in mind when choosing the bags. The following examples will illustrate this point for you:
If you have a heavy bottom, you would not want a handbag that brings attention to your hips. Therefore, you have to choose those bags that have smaller straps and do not end on the hip. You can also use clutch bags that are held in hand.
If you are a person with a larger torso, then you may opt for something that has long straps and is not bulky. If your body type is heavy, do not blindly apply the rule of contrasts and select a small bag. Instead go for medium bags that have rectangular and soft finishing contrasting the curvaceous body you have. Similarly it can be very difficult for a short person to manage a large bag; just give the impression of a large bag by using something with longer straps.
If you are really tall, long straps can make you look taller; the right handbag for you would be a hobo or a clutch. You can select any bag that has a shorter strap. If you are tall and also thin, you should opt for slightly rounded bags like satchels.
You can also use your handbag to draw attention to your best features. If you want to flaunt your waist, you can go for a bag that ends right at you waist. You can even try a field bag, if you are using it for a casual occasion.
So basically the purpose of your handbag should be to draw the attention away from unpleasant areas to the parts of the body you want to flaunt.
Choosing A Handbag That Compliments Your Body
As you know.Louis Vuitton Handbags.Chanel and Gucci HandbBags.popular all over the world.Louis Vuitton Handbags:hundred and fifty years to advocate refined, quality, and comfortable "travel philosophy", as the starting basis for the design.Last year, Louis Vuitton once again in line with the modern women's lives, is simple and elegant design
You can be an extremely thin person and even if you put on lot of weight, it is likely that you will still be in the slim category. And if you are a bust or bottom heavy person, chances are that even after reducing, you will still be heavier in those areas. A tall person will remain tall and short person will remain short. This is what is meant by looking at body 'type'. This means that you should look at the frame of your body, plus or minus a few kilos, when you select a handbag.
Women often give a lot of importance to their apparel - they concentrate on the cut, the design and the length to find a style that best suits their form. If you give the same value to selecting the correct handbag, you will be doing wonders to your over-all appearance. A simple rule of contrasts should always be borne in mind when choosing the bags. The following examples will illustrate this point for you:
If you have a heavy bottom, you would not want a handbag that brings attention to your hips. Therefore, you have to choose those bags that have smaller straps and do not end on the hip. You can also use clutch bags that are held in hand.
If you are a person with a larger torso, then you may opt for something that has long straps and is not bulky. If your body type is heavy, do not blindly apply the rule of contrasts and select a small bag. Instead go for medium bags that have rectangular and soft finishing contrasting the curvaceous body you have. Similarly it can be very difficult for a short person to manage a large bag; just give the impression of a large bag by using something with longer straps.
If you are really tall, long straps can make you look taller; the right handbag for you would be a hobo or a clutch. You can select any bag that has a shorter strap. If you are tall and also thin, you should opt for slightly rounded bags like satchels.
You can also use your handbag to draw attention to your best features. If you want to flaunt your waist, you can go for a bag that ends right at you waist. You can even try a field bag, if you are using it for a casual occasion.
So basically the purpose of your handbag should be to draw the attention away from unpleasant areas to the parts of the body you want to flaunt.
Choosing A Handbag That Compliments Your Body
As you know.Louis Vuitton Handbags.Chanel and Gucci HandbBags.popular all over the world.Louis Vuitton Handbags:hundred and fifty years to advocate refined, quality, and comfortable "travel philosophy", as the starting basis for the design.Last year, Louis Vuitton once again in line with the modern women's lives, is simple and elegant design
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