Heinrich Hertz Institute, Visible Light Communication, LED Light, Broadband Communication, Wireless, Broadband, Fraunhofer, LED Heinrich Hertz Institute shows broadband communication from the LED ceiling light

With its Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology, the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute intends to present a novel method of broadband transmission at the upcoming IFA 2011 trade fair.

Using standard off-the-shelf LED lights, broadband data streams are transmitted in visible light to computers and other end devices with communication-capability. The broadband transmission speed is 100 Mbits/s; in the lab speeds of up to 800 Mbit/s have already been achieved. This transmission technique, which uses the energy-efficient electronics of LED technology, is ideal for both distribution of broadband video streams and two-way communication – from internet usage to video conferencing, the researchers say.

The optical wireless technology can be deployed in situations where wireless LAN is uncalled for – for instance, in hospitals or manufacturing processes. Basically, however, the areas of application can be in any place where LED technology is used.

Using visible light has the further advantage that data can only be transmitted and accessed within the visible light cone itself. The fundamentals of Visible Light Communication were developed by Fraunhofer HHI in association with its industry partners Siemens and France Telecom Orange Labs within the framework of the EU OMEGA project.

For more information, visit http://http://www.hhi.fraunhofer.de.

This article originally appeared on EE Times Europe.

Heinrich Hertz Institute, Visible Light Communication, LED Light, Broadband Communication, Wireless, Broadband, Fraunhofer, LED Heinrich Hertz Institute shows broadband communication from the LED ceiling light


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