
Showing posts from July, 2013

Business 4G ready to go; O2 announces launch date; others vague.

Business 4G ready to go; O2 announces launch date; others vague. 2013/08/01 As of this morning, the spectrum allocated for 4G is cleared for action and O2 announced today that it will start a limited 4G service in three cities London, Bradford and Leeds on August 29th. Vodafone, Three and BT, which also bought licences to use 4G spectrum five months ago, are still vague about the dates for launching their 4G services. O2 says it will cover ten cities by the end of the year. The spectrum licensed for 4G is in the 800MHz and 2.6GHz bands. It was bought by Vodafone, O2, Three, BT  and EE. However EE got a flying start when it got Ofcom’s go-ahead to use some of its existing 1800MHz spectrum, bought for 3G services, to launch a 4G service. Vodafone is saying it will launch 4G services sometime in the summer, and Three is saying it will launch 4G services in Q4. Analogue TV was broadcast over the spectrum which is now ready to be used by the wireless network companies. Welcome to S...


玉文化之闻玉识女人     傍晚十分正是闲逛的好时段,走在复古街边,望着这些戴玉的娇柔女子,仿如走进了唐朝,这让人不禁想到杜秋娘《金镂衣》所言“花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝”之诗句来。总之在 玉文化 里佩玉的 女人 ,不得不使钟情的男人去垂爱。珠光宝气的 女人 ,她们沉静在玉的大美里,美丽的外表象玉,温润高洁,晶莹纯粹,大气纯美、朦胧精致,如水中月雾中花,难忘那一张张娇俏的容颜及靓丽身影。     那些身着傣家、景颇艳丽服饰的青春女人们,无不爱玉,她们仿佛是一群天仙,一群下凡的宫女,总也无法避开人们迷人的视线。在她们身上,会让人看到流淌着中国几千年文化的血脉、风韵无限、极高品味的玉,它光芒四射,溢光流彩     走在这儿,除了赏玉,买玉,尽可在这里看往来如织的爱玉女人。她们那轻盈的步态,文静幽雅的气质,多象一块块水种极佳的美玉。她们明亮,艳丽,柔情,象一枝枝飘香的金桂。什么品质的玉佩带什么样的女人,在这里尽可去感受、品味,并得到极好的诠释。纵然你是初来乍到,那也不要紧,悠闲的端坐于玉街的玉桌前,均会让你流连忘返,沉静在美女如云的玉街中,心静如水。玉自觉会让你结交结识各种美丽女性朋友,交流玉的话题。     从行人中你会熟悉了解到,那些苏杭上海比较名流的女子,经常光顾东方珠宝街选购 翡翠 手镯,她们购玉的过程其实就是一个极为美丽的过程。 玉文化 中说道她们懂玉,爱玉,高美的玉象与她们今生有缘、命中注定。在她们身上似乎不难看到古老苏杭人及南京六朝粉都诸如陈圆圆的粉脂气及软玉温香之气浸渗流溢。北方女人练达、精明、高雅的气质在珠宝街如一道闪电。四川女人多情似水,她们活色生香,温柔的外表给人一种玉的恬静之大美,甜润柔腻的音色带着玉磬的韵律。总而言之,从玉街走过的女人风情万种,她们都爱玉,美丽如玉。避开时间的裂缝,在这玉城看到了自然天成的女人与玉的极佳搭配与结合,成为最最难得的一种风情。 TAG: 女人 玉文化 闻玉识女人

Business Blu Wireless raises $3.1m

Business Blu Wireless raises $3.1m 2013/08/01 60GHz wireless specialist, Blu Wireless has closed a $3.1 million funding round. This will allow the company to drive further growth, doubling in size to 30 staff, and complete the development of its HYDRA baseband IP offering for 802.11ad next generation WiFi (WiGig CERTIFIED) and 4G mobile network backhaul applications. The funding round was led by Qi3 Accelerator, who represented a syndicate of over $1.5m (£1m) of London Business Angels private investors, including Wren Capital. A further $0.9 million (£0.6m) was invested by the Angel Co-Fund, several additional investors made up the remainder. Blu Wireless’s baseband technology uses a flexible parallel processing architecture to efficiently support the complex modulation schemes required for emerging multi-gigabit wireless communication standards. The IP is currently optimised for chipsets used in both advanced WiFi and 4G small cell deployments, and can be simply scaled to sup...


什么叫翡翠公盘?      翡翠 公盘 指的是,由缅甸政府组织的 翡翠 原料拍卖会。 公盘 所对应的是私盘,指的是不由政府出面的私下买卖。这几年以来,缅甸政府不允许私下买卖 翡翠 原料,几乎所有的 翡翠 原料,都只能经由 翡翠 公盘拍卖销往国外。      翡翠 公盘每年在仰光举行,一年有三四次。地点在缅甸宝石博物馆。每次公盘举行时,博物馆的大院里都摆满了翡翠原料。一般有一两千份料,一份料一个竞拍号,一个标的额。每份料有大有小、有多有少。 多的一份料由五六块上吨重的大料组成,这些料虽然大,可价格不高,一般也就几万元人民币。即使价格不高,买的人也不多,经常“溜标”剩下的就是这些原料。之所以便宜还没人买,是因为这些原料种干,透明度差,绿色很少。虽然大,但价值很低。这些就是行家们常说的“桩头料”,只能做一些大型摆件。但国内有些商家用这些原料加工成低档吊坠和手镯,平均一件成本也就几元钱,一般在旅游点销售,能卖到百元以上。     小的可能就是一块一手能拿过来的原料,甚至重不到一公斤。还别小瞧这不起眼的小料,竞争最激烈往往就是这些原料。如果有一条较宽的绿带,种水好,能出高档的戒面和花件,可能就能卖到几十万,甚至几百万元。     原料拍卖和国内大家常见的拍卖会不一样。国内的艺术品拍卖会,每个竞价人出的价格都是公开的,现场由拍卖师根据前一个出价人的价格统一加价。而原料拍卖却刺激得多,每个出价人都不知道别人的出价,完全靠自己的眼力,每个人都要算出自己能够接受的最高价格。如果高于这个价格,被别人买走了,也不觉得可惜,虽然他抢走了料,但很有可能赔钱呢,赔钱的买卖抢去也不心疼了。但由于不知道别人的出价,有时候会有出价最高的人,比出价第二的高出很多,虽然只多出一块钱,这块料就是你的,可你一下多出了一百万,虽然买了料,可也比较郁闷。     心理压力实在太大了。所以,买原料很少有一个人单打独斗的,一般总要几个人合伙,互相有个商议。但即使如此,也困难重重。        翡翠原料买卖,玩的真是心跳。一个揭阳做翡翠的朋友说,现在买料真的很疯狂啊。上次公盘,我们五六个人合伙,看上一份料。展览的时候我们看来看去,几个人统一不了,有的看六百万,有的看八百万,三四天都下不了决心。可在最后出价的几分钟里,我们一看现场的势头,出价的人真多,按着原来的打算根本不可能买到。刺激之下,大家也不再争论了,一下就出...

Spitzer Discovers Young Stars with a 'Hula Hoop'

Spitzer Discovers Young Stars with a 'Hula Hoop' As the two inner stars whirl around each other, they periodically peek out from the disk that girds them like a hula hoop. The hoop itself appears to be misaligned from the central star pair, probably due to the disrupting gravitational presence of the third star orbiting at the periphery of the system. The whole system cycles through bright and faint phases, with the central stars playing a sort of cosmic peek-a-boo as the tilted disk twirls around them. It is believed that this disk should go on to spawn planets and the other celestial bodies that make up a solar system. Spitzer observed infrared light from YLW 16A, emitted by the warmed gas and dust in the disk that still swathes the young stars. Other observations came from the ground-based 2MASS survey, as well as from the NACO instrument at the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile. YLW 16A is the fourth example of a star system known to blink in...

NASA's Cassini sees forces controlling Enceladus jets

NASA's Cassini sees forces controlling Enceladus jets July 31, 2013 — The intensity of the jets of water ice and organic particles that shoot out from Saturn's moon Enceladus depends on the moon's proximity to the ringed planet, according to data obtained by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. Share This: The finding adds to evidence that a liquid water reservoir or ocean lurks under the icy surface of the moon. This is the first clear observation the bright plume emanating from Enceladus' south pole varies predictably. The findings are detailed in a scientific paper in this week's edition of Nature . "The jets of Enceladus apparently work like adjustable garden hose nozzles," said Matt Hedman, the paper's lead author and a Cassini team scientist based at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. "The nozzles are almost closed when Enceladus is closer to Saturn and are most open when the moon is farthest away. We think...

New protein discovered with vast potential for treatment of cancer and other diseases

New protein discovered with vast potential for treatment of cancer and other diseases The identification of CPTP was the result of an international collaboration that built on prior research by co-lead author Charles Chalfant, Ph.D., Endowed Chair of Cancer Cell Signaling and member of the Cancer Cell Signaling program at Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center as well as professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at VCU School of Medicine. The team discovered that CPTP regulates levels of biologically active lipids, which are molecules such as fatty acids that often play a role in cell signaling. As its name implies, this study determined that CPTP's main function is to transport ceramide-1-phosphate (C1P), a lipid that helps regulate cell growth, survival, migration and inflammation. Specifically, C1P increases the production of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids -- powerful signaling molecules that contribute to chronic inflammation in diseases suc...

Researchers successfully spoof an 80 million yacht at sea

Researchers successfully spoof an 80 million yacht at sea July 31, 2013 — This summer, a radio navigation research team from The University of Texas at Austin set out to discover whether they could subtly coerce a 213-foot yacht off its course, using a custom-made GPS device. Share This: Led by assistant professor Todd Humphreys of the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at the Cockrell School of Engineering, the team was able to successfully spoof an $80 million private yacht using the world's first openly acknowledged GPS spoofing device. Spoofing is a technique that creates false civil GPS signals to gain control of a vessel's GPS receivers. The purpose of the experiment was to measure the difficulty of carrying out a spoofing attack at sea and to determine how easily sensors in the ship's command room could identify the threat. The researchers hope their demonstration will shed light on the perils of nav...

Guided growth of nanowires leads to self-integrated circuits

Guided growth of nanowires leads to self-integrated circuits Much effort has gone into facilitating the self-assembly of semiconductors, the basic building blocks of electronics, but until recently, success has been limited. Scientists had developed methods for growing semiconductor nanowires vertically on a surface, but the resultant structures were short and disorganized. After growing, such nanowires need to be "harvested" and aligned horizontally; since such placement is random, scientists need to determine their location and only then integrate them into electric circuits. A team led by Prof. Ernesto Joselevich of the Weizmann Institute's Materials and Interfaces Department has managed to overcome these limitations. For the first time, the scientists have created self-integrating nanowires whose position, length and direction can be fully controlled. The achievement, reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , was based on a method dev...

Digest this: Cure for cancer may live in our intestines

Digest this: Cure for cancer may live in our intestines July 31, 2013 — Treating a cancerous tumor is like watering a houseplant with a fire hose -- too much water kills the plant, just as too much chemotherapy and radiation kills the patient before it kills the tumor. Share This: However, if the patient's gastrointestinal tract remains healthy and functioning, the patient's chances of survival increase exponentially, said Jian-Guo Geng, associate professor at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. Recently, Geng's lab discovered a biological mechanism that preserves the gastrointestinal tracts in mice who were delivered lethal doses of chemotherapy. The findings, which will appear in the journal Nature , could revolutionize cancer therapy, Geng said. "It's our belief that this could eventually cure later-staged metastasized cancer. People will not die from cancer, if our prediction is true," said Geng, who emp...

Universal law for light absorption in 2-D semiconductors

Universal law for light absorption in 2-D semiconductors Working with ultrathin membranes of the semiconductor indium arsenide, a team of researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has discovered a quantum unit of photon absorption, which they have dubbed "A Q ," that should be general to all 2D semiconductors, including compound semiconductors of the III-V family that are favored for solar films and optoelectronic devices. This discovery not only provides new insight into the optical properties of 2D semiconductors and quantum wells, it should also open doors to exotic new optoelectronic and photonic technologies. "We used free-standing indium arsenide membranes down to three nanometers in thickness as a model material system to accurately probe the absorption properties of 2D semiconductors as a function of membrane thickness and electron band structure," says Ali Javey, a faculty scientist in Be...


为什么全世界只有中国人最爱玉呢? 中国人 对 玉 的特殊爱好自古有之,喜爱 玉 甚于黄金和其它 玉 石,在古代 “ 君子无故,玉不去身,君子与玉比德焉 ” ,并以玉的温润色泽代表仁慈、坚韧质地象征智慧,不伤人的棱角表示公平正义,敲击时发出的清脆舒畅的乐音是廉直美德的反应。正因为此,自古以来得到人们由衷的偏爱。 玉,都是古老的。世界上最精彩的玉,产于新疆和阗。凝固的玉的龙脉,在大山的腹中,深藏了亿万年。这玉的龙脉是大自然最精彩的结晶。随着天地沧桑,一部分玉的龙脉破山而出,裸露于天地风雨冰雪之间,又呈现出别一种玉的资质。经历了风刀霜剑的挥斫,一部分玉滚落在山涧、河流之中,这玉是一大群星星般的魂魄,人们称之为“仔玉”。这玉是玉的龙脉的孙儿,最具生命力量又历经磨砺。这玉彻心彻骨地和光同尘,与风雨雷电,水火冰雪,相亲相融,是真正承受了天地灵气的人间精魂。玉是大自然对于人类最美好的馈赠,可惜只有 中国人 对它怦然心动,因为只有中国人发觉了玉的美好,而且倾心倾情。 “ 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全 ” 。这正是玉美的 “ 人化 ” ,它象征高尚的人格,君子的气节,优秀的品德,以及生活的理想,玉的美在深化着人的灵魂。 “ 玉不琢,不成器 ” 。这句话已超越出咏物范围,而成了早就人才的箴言。 “ 和氏之壁 ” ,讲述的何尝是一块 玉的故事 !歌颂的未必只是卞和识玉的才智,他为了一块 “ 楚山璞 ” 而不畏刖刑,失双脚!多么感天动地的精神!这是在讴歌我们中华民族的坚韧精神和不屈不挠的意志!也是从几千年前哲人口中发出的谆谆告诫: “ 识物,识人! ” “ 完璧归赵 ” ,记载的何尝只是蔺相如出使秦国的故事,它颂扬的是一种玉的精神,是人类恪守信约的美德和舍生取义的情操。 玉,因其质美,色美,触美,音美,而在石中称王,为人们所喜爱 . 玉是自然的象征,它集聚是着天、地、虹、日、月的精华,是中国的宇宙观念。它是精神,意念,理想,更是中华民族对美的追求和升华。 生成了亿万年的玉,遇到了中国人之后,才变成了通灵宝玉。而具有人类所有的美好品性的中国人,把玉看作了民族的精魂。因为玉也具备了人类所向往的所有的美好的品性,温文、宁静、含蓄、纯净、坚贞和正气。 中国人爱玉,不仅仅是因为它的稀有或色泽美丽的外观,而是有着更深一层的美学价值:因为玉凝结着人们深深的感情 —— 对故乡的怀念,对祖先的崇拜。这种恋乡怀祖之情...

Stem cells in urine easy to isolate and have potential for numerous therapies

Stem cells in urine easy to isolate and have potential for numerous therapies July 31, 2013 — Could harvesting stem cells for therapy one day be as simple as asking patients for a urine sample? Researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center's Institute for Regenerative Medicine and colleagues have identified stem cells in urine that can be directed to become multiple cell types. Share This: "These cells can be obtained through a simple, non-invasive low-cost approach that avoids surgical procedures," said Yuanyuan Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of regenerative medicine and senior researcher on the project. Reporting online in the journal Stem Cells , the team successfully directed stem cells from urine to become bladder-type cells, such as smooth muscle and urothelial, the cells that line the bladder. But the urine-derived cells could also form bone, cartilage, fat, skeletal muscle, nerve, and endothelial cells, which l...