Of Red Hairs and Leopard Prints Replica louis vuitton, replica handbags and replica bags

Celebs who go to Philippe Chow expect more than just a good meal, they want some free press too. Rihanna knows there will be dozens of paparazzi snapping away, so she makes sure she is photo-ready.

RiRi steps out of the popular restaurant armed with a Givenchy Leopard Print Flap bag. This uber-chic piece is priced at roughly $3,500 and features a spicy fold-over flap design and ultra-soft calfhair with a nicely done leopard print. I’m not a big fan of single top handle bags though. I think it looks a little awkward when carried around, especially if the you’ve got some heavy things inside.

Of Red Hairs and Leopard Prints Replica louis vuitton, replica handbags and replica bags


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