
Showing posts from September, 2013

Business FujiFilm and Imec develop resist for sub-micron organic semiconductors.

Business FujiFilm and Imec develop resist for sub-micron organic semiconductors. 2013/09/30 FujiFilm and Imec have developed a new photoresist technology for sub-micron processing of organic semiconductors. Due to their lightness, flexibility, and the possibility to manufacture them in large area, research and development on organic semiconductors has intensified in recent years. Organic semiconductors can be used in various applications such as organic solar cells, flexible displays, organic photodetectors and various other types of sensors. Current methods for patterning organic semiconductors include shadow masking and inkjet printing. However, these patterning methods are not suitable for high-resolution patterning on large-size substrates. Patterning based on photolithography would solve this issue. But photolithography is currently mainly adopted for patterning of silicon semiconductors. When applying it to organic semiconductors using standard photoresists, the photores...

Business Siemens cutting 15,000 jobs

Business Siemens cutting 15,000 jobs 2013/09/30 Siemens is to cut 4% of its workforce or 15,000 people. Half of the cuts have already been done. A third of the cuts are falling on Germany-based units. At the end of July, the former Siemens CEO Peter Loescher was sacked after cutting forecasts five times and saying he would not make a 12% profit margin to which he had committed. Siemens’ shares fell 22% in Loescher’s six year tenure as CEO for which his pay-off was an estimated $100 million. Siemens’ new CEO, Joe Kaeser, who was CFO for seven years before becoming CEO, is making the 4% cuts to try and meet the 12% profit margin. The cuts will save $8.5 billion a year. Last year, Siemens’ profit margin was 9.5%. Welcome to SUV System Ltd! SUV System Ltd is ISO 90012008 Certified electronics distributor with 10 years of experiences. We have built up long term business relationship with about many...

Novel technology to produce gasoline by a metabolically-engineered microorganism

Novel technology to produce gasoline by a metabolically-engineered microorganism For many decades, we have been relying on fossil resources to produce liquid fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and many industrial and consumer chemicals for daily use. However, increasing strains on natural resources as well as environmental issues including global warming have triggered a strong interest in developing sustainable ways to obtain fuels and chemicals. Gasoline, the petroleum-derived product that is most widely used as a fuel for transportation, is a mixture of hydrocarbons, additives, and blending agents. The hydrocarbons, called alkanes, consist only of carbon and hydrogen atoms. Gasoline has a combination of straight-chain and branched-chain alkanes (hydrocarbons) consisted of 4-12 carbon atoms linked by direct carbon-carbon bonds. Previously, through metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli ( E. coli) , there have been a few research results on the production of long-chain alkanes, which ...


iOS世界中,苹果Macintosh电脑的未来会怎样? 苹果出售Macintosh电脑已经30年了,在过去6年中,个人电脑业务远远没有后PC时代的移动设备更受欢迎,那么Macintosh电脑的未来会怎样呢? 2013财年,Mac业务不理想 去年假日季节,也就是2013 Q1季度前的6年半,苹果Mac销售一直远超全球PC市场的增长速度。在2012年,PC销售开始戏剧性的缩减,这是2001年网络泡沫后的第一次。苹果一直逆势而上,直到2012年12月,Mac销量开始出现下滑。苹果称Mac销售从2011年的520万下降至去年12月的520万是因为该季度少一周,而且全新iMac的供应非常吃紧。苹果CEO Tim Cook称笔记本销量很正常。 除了iMac供应吃紧,苹果也没有发布全新Mac Pro。在去年第四季度,苹果不得不大幅降低库存。虽然Mac销量比去年同期降低22%,但营收只降低了16%。不过,Mac销量今年三月再次降低。这意味着苹果Mac业务正在与PC行业一起下滑。事实上,PC行业下滑的更早,2012年总体电脑销量降低了6.4%,2013年下滑速度更快,达到了13.9%。 每个人都知道Mac业务为何下滑,主要是因为iPad和各种平板电脑的崛起。数据显示,iPad正在不断蚕食PC销售,而山寨平板电脑则在侵占上网本市场。 苹果应该全新投入移动业务么? iPad、iPhone和iPod发布前,就有人预测苹果应该放弃Macintosh。今年夏季,在WWDC大会上,苹果强调Mac用户群上涨至7200万,比5年前增加了100%。相同时间内,PC市场只增加了18%;甚至两年前就停止了增长。OS X Mountain Lion发布有hi你按之后,销量为2900万。上周发布的iOS 7则高达4亿,不过iOS 7是免费供应的,而OS X则是付费升级,OS X Mountain Lion为苹果带来8.4亿美元营收。 微软去年第四季度来自Windows的营收为60亿美元,不过苹果大部分收入来自硬件,去年第一季度Mac硬件带来55亿美元营收。苹果来自Mac平台的收入与微软Windows的营收持平。区别就是苹果Mac平台并不是苹果唯一的平台,也不是最大、利润最高的平台。 苹果应该融合iOS和OS X么? 那些无法理解的用户因为不了解苹果的战略,根据有限的事实做出推论。其中最著名的想法就是iOS和O...


Ruckus助美国甲骨文号夺得第34届美洲杯帆船赛冠军 美国甲骨文号选择Ruckus智能Wi-Fi用于帆船数据传输, Ruckus SmartMesh网络用于帆船与海岸间的网络连接,且用于室内高速WLAN。Ruckus向美国甲骨文号致敬! 美洲杯帆船赛创立于1851年,已经有162年的历史,是世界上最古老的赛事之一。美国甲骨文号帆船船体上安装了传感器,队员均配备了耐磨且具有Wi-Fi 功能的显示装置,Ruckus 智能 Wi-Fi技术则用于传输关键的遥测、风力及负载数据。快速获得这些数据,可以帮助队员迅速实时调整风帆的角度,提升水面行驶速度。通讯系统的配置非常精确,比赛时帆船收发的信息要遵循严格的通信规则。 Wi-Fi系统也用于向美国甲骨文号的设计与制造团队传送帆船训练时收集到的数据,以便更快地做出赛后处理与评估。美国甲骨文号使用极高带宽的应用来收集评估测试中的性能数据,例如使用不同风帆配置时的帆船航行速度。 美国甲骨文号的帆船上,会有数百个传感器发出数据,由船载服务器进行处理,然后由一台独立的Ruckus ZoneFlex 7982 802.11n AP传输到队员各自配备的不同Wi-Fi设备上。 每次训练结束时,Ruckus SmartMesh Wi-Fi 技术被用于将帆船上收集的数千兆数据,回传至美国甲骨文号的运营中心,处理信息用于团队的各种设计,并为测试团队提供数据。 对于影响竞赛水平的信息或帆船对海浪或负压的反馈信息,队员可以通过稳定的连接访问重要信息。 香港南芳实业有限公司 (深圳南芳引航科技有限公司)成立于2001年。是一家专业开发、生产、加工、销售各种应用于计算机接口设备 连接线 、 手机数据线 、车载电子设备、医疗器械等高科技电子设备之连接线的外商独资企业。 主要产品为: 线材系列 : DC电源线 、 USB连接线 、 转接线材 、 HDMI线 、 RCA音视频连接线 、 MHL连接线 、 HDMI高清数据线 、 USB数据线 、 MHL 手机数据线材 、 RCA音频视频线 、三星S3 S4转接及数据线、DVI连接线、DB连接线、MINI DIN连接线、弹弓线 连接器系列 : Mini USB接口连接器 、 HDMI接口连接器 、 手机连接器 、 USB接口连接器 、 DIN接口连接器 、 DIN连接器 、 Mini USB连接器 、 HDMI连接...

新ipad设计原理图曝光 下一代ipad边框更窄、更薄

新ipad设计原理图曝光 下一代ipad边框更窄、更薄 最新出现的iPad 5设计原理图再次证明了这款产品要比上代产品的边框更窄。图片中显示下一代iPad的宽度为169.48毫米,比第四代iPad窄15毫米。图中还显示iPad 5的高度也要更小一些,iPad 4的高度为241.3毫米,iPad 5为240毫米。 此外,下一代iPad的厚度也会有所降低,从9.55毫米降至7.5毫米。图形中的iPad 5设计很多元素都来自去年发布的iPad mini。除了这些改变,iPad 5要比前代产品更轻,这意味着9.7寸全尺寸iPad的便携性会更好。当然,设备的主要元素,包括Home键,前置FaceTime摄像头、锁定键、耳机接口位置和麦克风位置都没有任何变化。 设计原理图的设计也符合今年泄露的很多疑似iPad 5组件,还有消息称iPad 5将增加深空灰和金色。传言称苹果将在今年10月举行发布会,推出第五代全尺寸iPad和Retina屏iPad mini。 香港南芳实业有限公司 (深圳南芳引航科技有限公司)成立于2001年。是一家专业开发、生产、加工、销售各种应用于计算机接口设备 连接线 、 手机数据线 、车载电子设备、医疗器械等高科技电子设备之连接线的外商独资企业。 主要产品为: 线材系列 : DC电源线 、 USB连接线 、 转接线材 、 HDMI线 、 RCA音视频连接线 、 MHL连接线 、 HDMI高清数据线 、 USB数据线 、 MHL 手机数据线材 、 RCA音频视频线 、三星S3 S4转接及数据线、DVI连接线、DB连接线、MINI DIN连接线、弹弓线 连接器系列 : Mini USB接口连接器 、 HDMI接口连接器 、 手机连接器 、 USB接口连接器 、 DIN接口连接器 、 DIN连接器 、 Mini USB连接器 、 HDMI连接器 热敏电阻系列 : 高耐热性热敏电阻 、 贴片热敏电阻 、 热敏电阻传感器 、 高精度热敏电阻 、 高耐热性电阻 红外线感应器系列 : 非接触红外传感器 、 热电堆 二极管系列 烤线加工等相关线材组立加工。已通过ISO-9001:2008质量管理体系认证和ISO-14001:2004 环境管理体系认证。直接海外美金付款同时可开具17%的增值税发票和提供转厂合同,满足广大客户的需求。 TAG: ipad 边框...

Accelerator on a chip: Technology could spawn new generations of smaller, less expensive devices for science, medicine

Accelerator on a chip: Technology could spawn new generations of smaller, less expensive devices for science, medicine The achievement was reported today in Nature by a team including scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University. "We still have a number of challenges before this technology becomes practical for real-world use, but eventually it would substantially reduce the size and cost of future high-energy particle colliders for exploring the world of fundamental particles and forces," said Joel England, the SLAC physicist who led the experiments. "It could also help enable compact accelerators and X-ray devices for security scanning, medical therapy and imaging, and research in biology and materials science." Because it employs commercial lasers and low-cost, mass-production techniques, the researchers believe it will set the stage for new generations of "tabletop" accelerators...

Ballet dancers' brains adapt to stop them getting in a spin

Ballet dancers' brains adapt to stop them getting in a spin Sep. 26, 2013 — Scientists have discovered differences in the brain structure of ballet dancers that may help them avoid feeling dizzy when they perform pirouettes. Share This: The research suggests that years of training can enable dancers to suppress signals from the balance organs in the inner ear. The findings, published in the journal Cerebral Cortex, could help to improve treatment for patients with chronic dizziness. Around one in four people experience this condition at some time in their lives. Normally, the feeling of dizziness stems from the vestibular organs in the inner ear. These fluid-filled chambers sense rotation of the head through tiny hairs that sense the fluid moving. After turning around rapidly, the fluid continues to move, which can make you feel like you're still spinning. Ballet dancers can perform multiple pirouettes with little or no feeling of dizzin...

Mucus useful in treating IBD, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease

Mucus useful in treating IBD, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease Sep. 26, 2013 — Imagine mucus -- which most people find unpleasant -- actually helping your body maintain its equilibrium, prevent inflammation, and reduce food allergy problems. Share This: Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai's Immunology Institute foresee a day when mucus could be manufactured and given to sick people to help them fight inflammation and increase immunity. For the first time ever, they report that mucus in the large intestine provides a valuable anti-inflammatory and self-regulating immune function. In fact, they propose that mucus may one day prove valuable in treating gut diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn's disease, as well as cancer. The research is published online September 26 in the peer-reviewed journal Science . "We asked ourselves whether dendritic cells in the gut could capture mucus, ...

New gut bacterium discovered in termite's digestion of wood

New gut bacterium discovered in termite's digestion of wood "In the termite gut, you have several hundred different species of microbes that live within a millimeter of one another. We know certain microbes are present in the gut, and we know microbes are responsible for certain functions, but until now, we didn't have a good way of knowing which microbes are doing what," says Jared Leadbetter, professor of environmental microbiology at Caltech, in whose laboratory much of the research was performed. He is also an author of a paper about the work published the week of September 16 in the online issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ( PNAS ). Acetogenesis is the production of acetate (a source of nutrition for termites) from the carbon dioxide and hydrogen generated by gut protozoa as they break down decaying wood. In their study of "who is doing what and where," Leadbetter and his colleagues searched the entire pool of termite gut mic...

Human robot getting closer: iCub robot must learn from its experiences

Human robot getting closer: iCub robot must learn from its experiences Sep. 27, 2013 — A robot that feels, sees and, in particular, thinks and learns like us. It still seems like science fiction, but if it's up to University of Twente (UT) researcher Frank van der Velde, it won't be. In his work he wants to implement the cognitive process of the human brain in robots. The research should lead to the arrival of the latest version of the iCub robot in Twente. This human robot ( humanoid) blurs the boundaries between robot and human. Share This: Decades of scientific research into cognitive psychology and the brain have given us knowledge about language, memory, motor skills and perception. We can now use that knowledge in robots, but Frank van der Velde's research goes even further. "The application of cognition in technical systems should also mean that the robot learns from its experiences and the actions it performs. A simple ...

Business The UKs spectrum conundrum

Business The UKs spectrum conundrum 2013/09/27 Professor Simon Saunders of Real Wireless will chair the the working group on Spectrum Applications and Demand within the UK Spectrum Forum set up by Ed Vaizey, UK Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries. The Forum is to consider the relationship between TV and cellular, the needs of government, military and emergency services, developments in Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G mobile devices amongst others. Real Wireless forecasts a need for extra allocations of 200-300 MHz of licensed spectrum for mobile applications and 350 MHz of spectrum for Wi-Fi applications by 2020 to meet even a median forecast of growing demand. This has to be achieved without compromising on the needs of other sectors such as transportation, emergency service and many others. “We have seen from the difficulties of digital switchover or the debate on the balance of licensed and licence-exempt spectrum that these decisions are not easy, ...